What Is Whole Grain White Bread?

Whole grain bread and white bread are usually thought to be two separate things, but thanks to genetic engineering, a whole grain white bread is now a reality. Whole grain bread, white bread, and whole grain white bread are all made from wheat flour; the differences are in the type of wheat used and how it’s processed. A specific type of wheat and a specific manufacturing process are used to make whole grain white loaves.

All flour begins with a wheat grain, which is usually harvested from a red wheat plant. The grain is harvested and flour is made. Wheat kernels are divided into three sections: bran, germ, and endosperm. The bran is the outer husk, and the germ is the actual seed that, if left in the field, would have sprouted into a new plant. The endosperm is the starchy part of the seed kernel that provides food and energy to the rest of the seed.

Whole grain products are made by leaving the whole grain intact and not tampering with it in any way. Whole grain flour contains all of the nutrients and benefits found in the wheat kernel’s germ, bran, and endosperm. Whole grain foods have a gritty, chunky texture due to the complete nature of the grain.

White bread differs from whole grain bread in that it only contains the endosperm, which is the innermost part of the wheat kernel. White bread flour is starchier and contains less fibrous material and nutrients than whole grain flour. White bread has a smooth texture due to the lack of fibrous material. White bread is also made by bleaching red wheat grains, which gives it a lighter color than traditional whole wheat bread.

Red wheat is not used to make whole grain white bread. It comes from the white wheat plant, also known as albino wheat. White wheat lacks the same color genetic markers as colored wheat. It’s paler, and the finished product resembles white bread more closely without having been bleached. Because the grains aren’t refined, the products are classified as whole grain carbohydrates.

A diet rich in whole grains is generally thought to be healthier than one based solely on refined flour products. Whole grains contain less additives and more fiber than their modified counterparts. Some people find it easier to eat whole grains because of the refined texture of whole grain white bread, especially if texture is an issue.