Veal is the meat of a young calf that is no more than 18 weeks old and has traditionally only eaten milk. Because of its fine texture, pale color, and lack of fat, this meat is highly sought after. The veal shoulder is a cut of meat made from the upper portion of one of a veal calf’s front legs.
Depending on the needs, the veal shoulder can be cut into a variety of different cuts. Veal shoulder meat is commonly used for chops, steaks, and roasts; leftover pieces can also be used as stewing meat or ground veal. The decision to grade the meat is based on local butchering laws, and in some countries, grading is optional. A veal shoulder is usually categorized as prime or choice, but it can also be categorized as good, standard, or utility grade.
Hormones aren’t typically used in veal production. Antibiotics may be used if the calf’s health requires it, but they are not usually given on a regular basis, and penicillin is rarely, if ever, given to veal calves. In veal calves, only medicines approved for use in food animals should be used. x000D_
Veal calves are housed separately in modern veal production farms. Individual stalls for each calf, as well as artificial light, temperature control, and air circulation, are provided in the houses. Calves have plenty of space to turn and move around, lick themselves, and lie down. The conditions are far superior to those faced by veal calves on small farms with only a few animals.
The rib, leg, sirloin, and veal shoulder are among the seven main cuts of veal. These, along with smaller portions such as chops, cutlets, roasts, and steaks, inform customers about the animal’s origins. It also instructs people on how to cook the meat. x000D_
There is a lot of debate about veal production in a lot of places. Veal calves are never allowed out of their pens to graze because they must eat only a specific diet, and they spend their entire lives in a very small area. Another reason to confine them is that allowing them to run and play will allow them to gain muscle, resulting in tougher meat. The purpose of confinement is to ensure that the veal shoulder and other cuts are as tender as possible.