What Is a Capsicum Pepper?

Capsicum peppers are a type of fruit that is commonly used as a vegetable. It has a lot of flavor and can be quite spicy and pungent. This pepper is native to North and South America, but it is now grown in Europe, India, and China, where it is used in a variety of dishes. Capsicum peppers come in over 20 different varieties, each with a different level of spiciness. Peppers that are fully ripe can be a variety of colors and grow on small, ornamental annual plants.

Capsicum plants grow to be about 18 inches tall and have dark glossy green leaves (46 cm). Late in the spring, small white flowers appear near the tops of the plants. Because pepper plants grow slowly, they don’t usually produce fruit until late summer or early autumn. All fruits can be picked while they are still green, though those left on the plant will turn red, orange, or bright yellow.

The top of the fruit, the seeds, and the white pith inside the pepper contain the majority of the capsicum pepper’s heat. These parts can simply be removed if a milder flavor is desired. When handling a capsicum pepper, those with sensitive skin should wear gloves because prolonged contact can cause skin irritation and even blistering.

The capsicum pepper is high in vitamin C and has an antibacterial property that prevents spoilage. When stored in a cool, dry place or refrigerated, the fruit will last for weeks. Capsicum fruits can be dried or frozen and kept for the winter, but they taste best when eaten fresh. Peppers that have been frozen tend to soften and are best used to flavor soups or stews.

Ground hot capsicum pepper fruits can be used as a table seasoning. Chili and curry powders, hot sauces, and barbeque sauces all contain them. These peppers can be found in a variety of foods, including rice and beans, chili, and tacos. They’re also commonly roasted and stored in oil, and they’re usually eaten on their own or in salads or rice.

In the past, these peppers were used to treat a variety of ailments, including asthma, diarrhea, arthritis, and even toothaches. The capsaicin in peppers causes an increase in blood flow and sweating when consumed. Those who have stomach ulcers should avoid them because they tend to aggravate them. When consumed in large quantities, capsicum peppers can cause kidney problems or gastroenteritis.