What Tools are Best to Measure Wet Ingredients?

When it comes to measuring wet ingredients while cooking, having the right tools is essential. While a variety of tools can be used to measure wet ingredients, choosing the wrong ones can result in more mess than is necessary, as well as inaccurate measurement.
When it comes to measuring wet ingredients, measuring spoons are one of the most useful tools. Measuring spoons are typically available in teaspoons, tablespoons, and fractions of each. 12 and 14 measurements are usually included in a set of measuring spoons. When used in tandem, the cook can achieve the desired measurement. If he or she needs to measure 34 tablespoon of ingredients, for example, he or she would simply use a 12 tablespoon measuring spoon to measure the wet ingredients and then add another 14 tablespoon.

It’s best to measure wet ingredients by dipping the measuring spoon directly into the liquid and removing the filled spoon to avoid making a mess. Attempting to pour the ingredients will most likely result in the measuring spoon overflowing or disappearing entirely.

The measuring cup is another tool for measuring wet ingredients. The measuring cup should, ideally, have a spout that can be used to pour out the liquid that has been measured. Measuring cups usually include fraction and milliliter measurements, allowing you to measure wet ingredients without having to convert metric measurements from one recipe to the next.

Because a measuring cup is usually too large to dip into the liquid, the ingredients should be poured into the cup directly. Despite the fact that measuring cups are larger and thus less likely to spill liquid, it is best to measure wet ingredients in a measuring cup over a sink.

The liquid should be poured into the measuring cup until the appropriate line is reached. For example, if the recipe calls for 12 cup milk, pour it in until it reaches the line next to the 12 mark. The measuring cup should be placed on a level surface after the liquid has been poured into it to ensure the correct amount has been measured. If there is too much liquid in the measuring cup, it can be poured back into its original container.