What Should I Consider When Planning Dinner?

Dinner planning can be a great way to save money and ensure that you have everything you need to prepare a healthy meal when you get home at night. Whether you’re planning a one-day dinner or a week’s worth of meals, there are a lot of factors to consider. Making a list so you know exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it can be extremely beneficial to any planning session.

First, think about who you’re writing for. Who is going to eat the meals you prepare? Consider the food preferences of the people you normally feed. It makes no sense to prepare a meal that no one wants to eat.

It’s also beneficial to plan a few meals per week that are tried-and-true and don’t require much thought. It’s exciting to try new things, but if you’re not a great cook to begin with, limit yourself to a few new dishes per week while also including old favorites that you’re confident will make it to the table without being inedible.

After that, make a menu plan. If you’re only cooking for one night, make a list of everything you’ll be serving and how much you’ll need — you can either cut recipes to serve fewer people or expand them to serve more.

Once you’ve decided exactly what you’ll serve and in what proportions, make a shopping list of everything you’ll need. Check your grocery stores to make sure you don’t buy anything you already have. Another thing to consider is whether you can make a meal that is healthier. Don’t forget to include it on your shopping list if you can use a healthier oil, more vegetables, or anything else that will improve a meal. If you plan to serve dessert, remember to plan ahead so you only have to go to the store once.

Only if you buy some foods well in advance of your planned meal should you consider making a second trip to the store. Don’t buy lettuce for a salad more than a week ahead of time. Plan to buy most produce, breads, and many dairy products no more than a day or two before you prepare your meal.

You should also take into account any time constraints you may have when planning dinner. If you need to get dinner on the table quickly, look for recipes that require minimal prep and cooking time. There are cookbooks dedicated to preparing quick meals. Rachel Ray’s cookbooks, for example, frequently include whole meals that can be prepared in under an hour. Many other well-known chefs follow suit.

If you’re planning an elaborate dinner, figure out how much time you’ll need ahead of time. If a side dish or two takes too long to prepare, cut them or accept a guest’s offer to bring something to the meal. Alternatively, some items can be prepared ahead of time. If you absolutely must have fresh rolls for your dinner, prepare them ahead of time, freeze them, and then reheat them.
When you’re short on time, there are a lot of premade foods that can be made to taste more fresh and homemade. With a little garlic and fresh basil, canned pasta sauce can easily be revitalized. This sauce is fantastic when poured over spaghetti. To make another quick meal, mix canned chili with homemade corn muffins. Keep a few easy-to-change items on hand in case a planned dinner doesn’t turn out as expected. Knowing you have a back-up meal in case something goes wrong can help you relax and enjoy the planning process.