What Is the Difference between Mutton and Lamb?

Mutton and lamb are both sheep meats, but the texture and flavor of these meats are very different. A young sheep is referred to as a lamb, whether it is still alive or has been slaughtered for consumption. The flavor of lamb is mild, and the texture is delicate when cooked properly. Mutton is made by butchering an adult sheep, which has a gamier flavor and a chewier consistency.

The age of the animal from which the meat comes is the main difference between mutton and lamb. Lambs are young sheep that are butchered for meat before they reach the age of one. Mutton is made from older sheep, usually after they have reached the age of two years. Hogget is a third category of sheep meat that is taken from a sheep between the ages of one and two in some parts of the world.

The flavor of the meat is another distinction between mutton and lamb. In general, the younger a sheep is, the milder its flavor, and in some parts of the world, very young lambs of only a month or so are prized for this quality. As the sheep ages, enzymes accumulate in the muscle tissue, imparting a distinct flavor to the meat that is unique to these animals. Domestic sheep do not have the same gamey flavor as wild animals like deer or boar, but mutton from sheep older than a few years has a strong flavor. Mutton can be used in flavorful dishes because it pairs well with pungent ingredients like garlic and mint.

Another difference between mutton and lamb is the texture of the meat. Lambs, like other similar animals, can stand and walk shortly after birth, but they are extremely weak for a period of time. Because they haven’t had time to build up muscle or tendon tissue, meat from younger animals has a more delicate texture. The meat of the sheep toughens as it ages, making mutton ideal for slow-cooked dishes like stews.

The color of a sheep’s meat will also change as the animal ages. Lambs’ meat is light in color, whereas adult sheep’s meat is dark red. The color difference between mutton and lamb can be useful when determining the age of the animal from which the meat came before purchasing it.