Raejuusto, also known as keso, is a Finnish cheese. It has a flavor and consistency similar to cottage cheese and can be substituted for it in most recipes. Swedish grynost and Danish hytteost are two cheeses that are similar to raejuusto.
Raejuusto is a cow’s milk cheese that comes in a variety of flavors. The cheese is most commonly used as a garnish in Finland, especially with soups. Another popular way to eat the cheese is to combine it with vegetables such as cucumbers. The mild flavor of the cheese makes it an ideal snack for people recovering from surgery or who have weak or upset stomachs.
Salt or sugar are frequently added to the finished product to add flavor to this bland cheese. The cheese is made by pressing cottage cheese, which results in a curd of varying sizes. Curds is how some people refer to this cheese.
It can be found in most grocery stores, cheese shops, and supermarkets.
Raejuusto’s soft, fluffy texture and cool dampness make it a versatile ingredient that can be used in anything from sandwiches to enchiladas. This cheese can be used as a lighter substitute in savory dishes that call for ricotta cheese, such as lasagna. Some people use olive oil and black pepper to flavor the cheese. Raejuusto can be used in salads or as a dessert by combining it with any fruit puree. The cheese, like cottage cheese, can be used in a variety of gelatin salad recipes.
The texture and consistency of raejuusto can vary greatly depending on the brand. Some types of cheese are extremely moist, with a liquid base. For those who prefer a more solid consistency, there are also drier versions. The drier varieties have a creamier flavor.
Raejuusto and cottage cheese have another thing in common: they’re both low in calories and fat when compared to other cheeses. Raejuusto typically contains around 80 calories per serving. It’s also high in protein, so it’s a filling and healthy snack. When served with fruit or whole grain toast, it can be a low-calorie meal for dieters.
This cheese is commonly consumed by pregnant women because it is one of the safest cheeses to consume. Keso is also popular among bodybuilders, as its high protein content helps them maintain their strength and ability to heal after strenuous activities.