What Is Changua?

Changua is a popular Colombian egg dish that is frequently served for breakfast. It’s a milk and egg soup that’s usually served with bread in its most basic form. When changua is served in restaurants, it is frequently accompanied by a variety of other ingredients, particularly potatoes.
Changua is one of Colombia’s most popular breakfast dishes. It is considered a healthy and filling breakfast for young children and adults alike because it is quick-cooking and made from very simple, easy-to-find ingredients. The dish is thought to have originated in Colombia’s Cundinamarca Department, which is located in the country’s center. The dairy farms of Cundinamarca are well-known, and cow’s milk is plentiful in this region. It’s also popular in the other mountain regions, where mornings are usually chilly.

Changua is made from equal parts water and milk in its most basic form. The soup can be made in two ways: either the milk and water are combined in a pot and brought to a boil, or the food is cooked in water and the milk is added just before serving. Once the liquid has reached a boil, a whole egg is cracked and cooked in it. Sliced green onions and chopped cilantro or parsley are commonly used as garnishes.

Changua is frequently accompanied by stale or toasted bread. On the side, the bread can be eaten or used to soak up the creamy broth. The bread, on the other hand, is traditionally placed in the bottom of the soup bowl and the changua is poured on top. The dish is a popular way to use up stale bread in many households because the broth softens it.

This egg dish is frequently served with arepas, a popular Colombian side dish. The dough is made from cornmeal and shaped into flat, round discs, which are then grilled, baked, or fried. When arepas are served with changua, they are torn up and placed in the bottom of the serving bowl, with the soup poured over the top.

While changua is often thought of as a rustic dish, it is served in a number of high-end Colombian restaurants. The basic ingredients of the dish are usually the same — milk, egg, and water — but other ingredients are added for a more complex flavor. Garlic and coriander, the seeds of the cilantro plant, are popular additions. To make the soup even more filling, diced potatoes are frequently fried in butter before adding the other liquids, thickening the soup and adding flavor.