What is Career Coaching?

Individuals in need of career guidance can benefit from career coaching. Those who are between jobs, dissatisfied with their current positions, or looking to challenge themselves in a new way at work may seek out a career coach. Certified career coaches and, in some cases, executive and life coaches provide career coaching services. Career coaching is available at colleges and universities, large corporations, community career counseling centers, and private practices, among other places.

Career coaches assist people in achieving their career goals. A coaching session that identifies a person’s strengths can benefit someone who is unaware of his unique talents. Career coaching can help a retired person who wants to continue working part-time but isn’t sure what to do. A worker who dreads going to work each day may be able to rekindle his enthusiasm for a job that he once enjoyed.

The career coaching process usually begins with a meeting between the coach and the client to better understand the client’s career concerns. In general, the coach will ask questions to elicit the client’s talents, passions, and future goals. A career coach also pays attention to the client’s personal concerns and challenges. In most cases, a customized plan of action is implemented, which includes career-related steps such as conducting job skills assessments, developing specialized work-related skills, conducting job searches, and perfecting interviewing strategies.

Career counseling can be done one-on-one or in a group setting. A presentation by a career coach who speaks to the group about relevant work-related issues is usually the format for group work. Members of the group ask questions and benefit from the wisdom of both the coach and the other members of the group. Individual coaching entails one-on-one meetings, which can be held in person or over the phone. Individual coaching typically involves scheduling clients for a series of weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings to assess progress and provide ongoing mentoring.

There are a variety of circumstances that lead people to seek the help of a career coach. One example is a general sense of ambiguity and lack of clarity about a career path. Another example is a desire to leave the corporate world and pursue an entrepreneurial endeavor. Career coaches are sometimes sought out by stay-at-home moms in order to develop a plan of action for reentering the workforce. In each case, career coaches assist individuals in identifying rewarding career paths that lead to increased productivity and happiness at work.