What Can I Make with a Goose Egg?

A goose egg is much larger than a chicken egg, and before eating it, you must first determine if it is viable. Goose eggs are cooked in the same way as chicken eggs. Scrambling them, for example, is a popular method of preparing this type of egg. They can also be boiled hard or soft.
Most geese, unlike chickens, do not lay unfertilized eggs. You must candle the egg to see if there is a live gosling developing inside. Place a lit flashlight against the egg in a dark room. Look at the other side of the egg to see if there are any small veins or signs of movement. This should ideally be done within a week or two of the egg being laid.

You should clean a goose egg before cooking it. This is particularly true if the egg was taken straight from the nest. Rinse the egg in cool water, wiping away any dirt or debris with a soft cloth. The egg should then be patted dry with a paper towel.

When you have a goose egg, a scrambled goose egg is a popular dish to try. To do so, melt butter or oil in a hot skillet. In a bowl, crack the egg and whisk it with a fork or a whisk. Pour the beaten egg into the pan and cook on low heat until it begins to harden slightly on the bottom. The egg should then be constantly stirred until it is firm but slightly glossy.

A goose egg can also be hardboiled. Put the whole egg in a large pot and cover it with cold water to do this. Bring the water to a boil in the pot on the stove. Remove the pot from the heat and cover it with a lid after it has boiled for a few minutes. While it only takes a few minutes for a chicken egg to become hard boiled, geese eggs can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on their size.

Eggs from geese can also be soft-boiled. This is done in a similar manner to hard boiling an egg. However, rather than leaving the goose egg in the hot water for 15 to 30 minutes, it should only be left in for seven to ten minutes.
A goose egg’s shell is typically thicker and harder than a chicken egg’s. Unlike store-bought chicken eggs, a light tap on the pan’s side usually does not crack it open. A couple of hard taps around the egg’s perimeter are usually required.