How Do I Choose the Best English Cucumbers?

English cucumbers, also known as hothouse or seedless cucumbers, are available all year in grocery stores and have a taste and texture similar to other raw cucumbers. They are, however, frequently shrink-wrapped in plastic to help retain moisture and freshness, unlike other cucumber varieties. Although this packaging extends the shelf life of English cucumbers, it makes it difficult to see or feel the texture, which should be smooth and firm. Although some cucumber varieties have yellow streaks, the best English cucumbers are bright or dark green in color with little color variation and no visible soft or rotten spots. Some people prefer the thinnest English cucumbers because the seeds are typically smaller and less noticeable.

English cucumbers are preferred by some chefs because they don’t need to be peeled and the skin is usually mild and thin. These cucumbers are also frequently labeled as seedless in grocery stores, but the seeds are simply smaller and less noticeable than in a traditional variety. Some people dislike cucumber seeds because of their texture, while others notice that they become bitter as the cucumber ages. Many people prefer the thinnest English cucumber available because they believe it will have fewer seeds than other cucumber varieties.

The freshest English cucumbers, like most produce, are usually the best. Shoppers should choose an English cucumber that is firm and free of visible rotten spots, indicating a high moisture content. In contrast to some pickling cucumber varieties, which have rough and bumpy skins, an English cucumber should have a smooth texture. After being picked, cucumbers lose moisture, and puckered or wrinkled skin can indicate age or improper storage.

Regular cucumbers’ skins may be waxed to keep them fresh, but English cucumbers are usually wrapped in plastic. This packaging can be advantageous because cucumbers with unwaxed skin don’t usually need to be peeled, and wrapped cucumbers can often be kept in the refrigerator for longer after purchase. However, because it cannot be smelled or touched to check for soft spots that aren’t visible through the skin, it can make selecting the best English cucumber more difficult. Unwaxed English cucumber varieties, which are not wrapped in plastic and can be examined more closely, are sometimes sold at food co-ops or farmers markets in some areas.