What Is Dandelion Salad?

The only thing you need for a dandelion salad is dandelion greens. Dandelions are flowering plants that are common in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America, where they are often considered weeds. They are often picked fresh directly from a yard or field. The leaves, which are slightly bitter, are the only part of the plant used in salads.
Although prepackaged dandelion greens are occasionally available, they are far more commonly picked fresh from the wild. These yellow flowers can be found in most open expanses of grass in native areas that haven’t been treated with pesticides. The leaves are thickly notched, long, and dark green. They grow near the plant’s base and can be harvested without removing the flower.

After picking the leaves, they are washed and shredded. For a more delicate, less bitter salad, discard the harder rib portion that runs up the center of each leaf. However, because removing the rib portions is time consuming, it is not necessary. Harvesting the younger, less developed plants is recommended to reduce some of the natural bitterness. Soaking the leaves in salt water is another way to reduce bitterness.

The salad can be eaten with just the greens or it can include other ingredients. A dandelion salad usually contains onions, tomatoes, and chopped hard boiled eggs. Pine nuts and sweet fruits, such as mangoes, are more unusual options that can help to offset the bitterness of the leaves. Usually, the greens are the only leafy vegetable present, but occasionally other leafy herbs, like basil, may be added. Salad ingredients are usually combined by tossing them together.

Although any dressing can be used on dandelion salad, the most common are a warm bacon dressing or a cold vinaigrette. Bacon dressing is typically made with chopped fresh bacon, onions or shallots, sugar, salt, and sherry or cider vinegar, all of which are fried in oil. To make a creamier sauce, add milk or cream, as well as beaten eggs. Extra virgin olive oil, a flavored vinegar, such as red wine vinegar, and seasonings such as dry mustard and crushed garlic, as well as salt and pepper, are used to make vinaigrette dressing.

Dandelion salad is tasty and inexpensive, and it contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients. Dandelions are high in vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as zinc, iron, and potassium. It’s also possible to use the leaves as a natural diuretic.