What Is Beef Chuck?

Beef chuck is a cut of beef that comes from the cow’s upper body, usually near the shoulder and upper foreleg. Cuts of meat from the chuck portion of the cow often have a tough texture due to the connective tissues found in the muscle, as these areas of the cow tend to contain a high percentage of muscle. Chuck cuts of beef are usually recommended for recipes that require a long, slow cooking time, rather than for quick cooking methods like grilling or sautéing.

Braising is one of the most common ways to prepare beef chuck. Braising is a culinary term that refers to covering food with liquid and then slowly cooking it at a low temperature until it becomes tender. Wine, broth, or water are all common liquids for braising this cut of meat. Chuck can also be roasted in a low-temperature oven without any liquid until it is tender. Due to the high amount of connective tissue in chuck, it can generally withstand long cooking times without becoming overcooked, as the heat breaks down the tough muscle and makes it tender the longer it cooks.

Chuck roast is one of the most popular cuts of beef chuck. Chuck roast, also known as pot roast, refers to any of the larger cuts of meat taken from the cow’s shoulder or arm area, which may or may not be sold with a bone in. This type of meat is commonly used in pot roast recipes, in which a large, tough cut of meat is covered in liquid and braised with vegetables like onions, potatoes, and carrots. Although the exact time depends on the recipe, the tough connective tissues in pot roasts usually take at least three hours to soften.

Top blade steak, also known as a flat iron steak, is one of the few types of beef chuck that may be recommended for quick cooking. Although top blade steak is also sourced from the cow’s muscular shoulder area, it is more tender than other cuts due to the presence of more fat, which adds moisture and flavor. Top blade steak is commonly cut into thin strips and used in stir fry recipes, or it can be grilled or pan fried briefly on each side until the center of the meat is cooked to your liking.