What Is Mutton Steak?

Mutton steak is a type of meat. Mutton steak, unlike more traditional steaks, is made from sheep meat. Mutton comes from adult sheep and is one of three types of sheep meat. The steaks are distinguished by their small size, robust flavor, and relative toughness. In some areas, mutton dishes are more popular than in others.
Sheep can be divided into groups based on their age. A lamb is a young sheep that has not yet reached its first birthday. Hogget is the name given to a slightly older adolescent sheep. The term mutton refers to a fully developed adult sheep and the meat obtained from it. Mutton is a term used in some parts of the world to describe the meat of a different animal, the goat.

Steaks, in general, refer to slices of meat cut from various parts of an animal. This material must usually be separated from muscle fibers. Most of the time, the term steak refers to beef products. Other animals, such as sheep, can produce steak meat as well.

Mutton steaks can be made from various parts of the sheep. Leg, loin, neck, breast, shoulder, rack, flank, and chump are among the eight body areas used for edible mutton cuts. The majority of these meat cuts are roasted slowly. The meat is taken from the shoulder blade and used to make the majority of mutton steaks. Mutton basted and cooked rare is preferred by many cooks and consumers, while grilled steaks are preferred by others.

Mutton steak is made from meat from sheep over the age of two. The meat of these animals is not as tender as that of younger stock because they are older. Furthermore, mutton meat has a strong flavor that may be overwhelming for some palates. Smaller size and different colors are also distinguishing characteristics of sheep meat. A darker pink — bordering on red — color is associated with mutton.

Mutton steaks can be made even more flavorful. Pepper and soy sauce, for example, can soak into the meat and give it a stronger flavor. Other ingredients, such as beans, onions, and mushrooms, can be marinated with the steak. Turnips are a popular vegetable side dish for mutton steak and other mutton dishes. Thin strips of fatty mutton can even be cut into macon, a bacon substitute.

Mutton dishes, such as mutton steak, are more popular in some areas, such as the Mediterranean. Religious law in some areas requires that sheep be slaughtered in a specific manner before being consumed. As a result, mutton steaks may be less common in these areas.