How do I Prepare for a Phone Interview?

A phone interview, which is frequently used as part of a screening process, may be the first in a series of job interviews. A phone interview is typically used to ask broad questions in order to narrow down the candidates who will be invited to a second, in-person interview. Make sure the room is quiet before the scheduled call and turn off any secondary phones you may have; it’s also a good idea to turn off call waiting if you have it. When talking on the phone, make sure you’re sitting in a comfortable but professional position, as this will help your voice sound more confident. Also, gather any information you might need before the interview, such as your resume and information about the organization that will be interviewing you.

In addition to minimizing background noise and not answering other incoming calls while on the phone, proper phone interview etiquette includes not answering other incoming calls while on the phone. To avoid losing the call or having a bad connection, make sure your phone is charged and that you have good reception. You should not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum while on the phone in most cases. It may be beneficial to find out when the phone interview will take place ahead of time so that you are not caught off guard.

Despite the fact that the hiring committee cannot see you during a phone interview, they can probably tell how confident you are by the tone of your voice. As a result, you should communicate politely and professionally. If it’s just a screening interview, you may not need to reveal too much information. Your responses can be brief, but you should provide some context that complements the basic information on your resume.

When speaking, keep in mind that the interviewer’s only reference point is your voice. Job candidates are frequently advised by interviewing experts to speak clearly and enunciate their words properly. You may need to listen more carefully without visual cues because it may be more difficult to speak without interrupting the interviewer. Many people recommend smiling during a phone interview because it can give your responses a more positive tone.

One benefit of a phone interview for the job candidate is that the caller will not be able to see him or her taking notes or referring to other written materials. It may be helpful to have any necessary papers on the table or desk in front of you prior to the call. Additional information about the organization and a calendar for scheduling follow-up steps in the interviewing process could be useful items.