What Should I Consider When Buying a Peeler?

A peeler, also known as a vegetable or potato peeler, is a kitchen tool that is used to remove the skin from vegetables. These tools can be used to peel potatoes, carrots, apples, eggplants, or any other solid fruit or vegetable with a skin.
When shopping for a peeler, think about the materials used to make the blade and handle. The handle can be made of plastic, metal, or wood, and the blades are usually made of metal or ceramic. Peelers made of metal sheets are generally inexpensive, but they are too uncomfortable to use, especially for longer peeling sessions. Because of the porous nature of wood, which makes it a good home for bacteria, those with wooden handles are probably the least common and generally less appealing. Peelers made of plastic are frequently the best option. This is especially true for people with arthritis, as it is much easier to find a plastic version that can be held easily and comfortably than it is to find a wood or metal version.

You should also think about how the tool is designed. The blade of a Lancashire peeler is designed to extend from the handle. To use it, you must peel with one hand while holding the fruit or vegetable with the other. As you dig into the fruit or vegetable, you usually move the blade toward you.

Another option is to use a Y-peeler. This has the appearance of a manual face razor and is used in the same way. The Y-peeler is pushed away from the body as it rubbed across the fruit or vegetable, unlike the Lancashire peeler.

The third peeler design doesn’t have a name, but it’s popular in Australia. It is made up of a plastic handle that supports the bottom and top of a partially rotating blade that can cut the skin off quickly and at a consistent depth. Furthermore, the cutting edges are on the inside of the blade, making it less likely that you will cut yourself accidentally.

Serrated versus straight edged blades are also factors to consider. Some peelers even come with an attachment that makes cleaning the eyes of potatoes a breeze.
The design you choose is largely determined by your personal tastes. Handle each type in the store if at all possible before making a purchase to help you decide which one fits best in your hand. Because you’ll be peeling several fruits or vegetables at once, comfort is essential.